Women’s retreat

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Come and be a part of the Arizona Women's Retreat, where we will come together to celebrate and honor the beautiful creation that has been entrusted to us by the divine. Engage in workshops that cover a range of topics, including contemplative prayer, addressing eco grief, receiving training on church-based environmental justice, and much more!

Keynote speaker

Rev. Carol L Devine is the Director of Blessed Tomorrow, a coalition of diverse religious partners united as faithful stewards of creation, and Co-Director of Green Chalice for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

She is an ordained pastor in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).


“But ask the animals what they think— let them teach you; let the birds tell you what’s going on. Put your ear to the earth—learn the basics. Listen—the fish in the ocean will tell you their stories. Isn’t it clear that they all know and agree that God is sovereign, that God holds all things in their hand?” Job 12:7-10, The Message

Butterfly outline sketch design



3:00 pm: Registration Opens (St. James)

5:30 pm: Dinner (Dining Hall)

7:00 pm: Evening Session (St. James)

Evening Watch (On Your Own)


7:00 am: Morning Watch (On Your Own)

8:00 am: Breakfast (Dining Hall)

9:30 am: Morning Session (St. James)

11:00 am: Business Session (St. James)

12:00 pm : Lunch (Dining Hall)

1:45 pm: Workshop 1 (TBA)

3:00 pm: Workshop 2 (TBA)

4:00 pm : Free Time


5:30 pm: Dinner (Dining Hall)

7:15 pm: Vespers (St. James)

7:45 pm: Evening Activity (St. James)

Evening Watch (On Your Own)


7:00 am: Morning Watch (On Your Own)

8:00 am: Breakfast (Dining Hall)

9:30 am: Morning Worship (St. James)

11:00 am: Clean Up & Depart (St. James)

program booklet

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Saturday night activity

We invite you to sign up to host a game.

Be creative!


7:45 PM

donations + Raffle tickets

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